Division of property in concubinage, de facto unions or common law

The conventional wisdom about the UAE is that it was built on oil first and property second. The country’s most populous city Dubai is a living shrine to the role property…

03July 23, 2021July 23, 2021
Condominium Law #5038 of 1958

Condominium Law #5038 of 1958

If you are a victim of an accident, you need to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for your damage attorney helps you file the case and also gives you the best…

04February 27, 2021February 27, 2021

Opening a Bank Account in the Dominican Republic as a Foreigner

The waiver of a right to refer a dispute to arbitration could be express or implied. However such a waiver has to be clear and unambiguous so as to avoid doubts about…

04December 9, 2020February 4, 2021

Best type of Corporation to form in the Dominican Republic

A subpoena is a writ issued by a court or other governmental agency having the appropriate authority. A subpoena, which means under penalty…

01October 2, 2019August 24, 2020